It’s been a busy spring so far with programs and students. Mrs. Soler coordinated a wonderful Junior Career Day last week as over 20 alumni, parents, and friends of Archmere volunteered their time to talk to the class of 2024 about their careers. This year we added a career exploration track with sessions on exploring careers, interview skills, and learning to network. Huge thank you to Mrs. Soler, our presenters, the set-up crew for their assistance with room coordinating, and faculty volunteers as well!
Application decision releases for seniors are still trickling out as schools have begun to vary their release dates. However, it’s also a great time for the College Counseling Office to start Junior Family Meetings before a big wave of regular decision releases in mid to late March for the Class of 2024. Family Meetings started last week and will hopefully end around Easter break. We encourage students to schedule their meetings in the near future.
January has been a busy month in College Counseling. Seniors have been submitting their final applications and also getting some decisions, juniors started College Seminar Class, and the sophomores have been given access to CIALFO. Below is some information for specific classes.